Author, researcher, speaker. My first book, The Map and the Manuscript: Journeys in the Mysteries of the Two Rennes, was published by Ignotum Press in 2022. I blog here on topics connected with the book, including landscape alignments, ancient sites, France, the Pyrenees, Jean Richer, Rennes-les-Bains, alchemy, geometry, Jung, Gérard de Nerval, Le Serpent Rouge, the Affair of Rennes, and more.
Beyond the Map and the Manuscript: Jean Richer on Shakespeare and Ophiucus Images from the book Lecture Astrologiques des Pièces Romaines de Shakespeare, by Jean Richer. Published by Guy Trédaniel, Paris 1988 Professor Jean Richer, the concealed author of Le Serpent Rouge, sprinkled his works with clues as to his hidden authorship of the celebrated mystery poem. The images above appear in his extraordinary 1988 book on astrological symbolism in the works of Shakespeare, in a chapter on the...
Beyond the Map and the Manuscript Revisiting the Château d'Arques: Geometry in Stone Château d'Arques, Arques, Aude, France. Shown above is the main tower of the château, an imposing tall square structure with impressive turrets on the corners, aligned to the cardinal directions. The photograph is taken looking north; the side of the tower facing the viewer, with the door, is the south side of the tower. Image credit: Cathar Wars (@CatharWars) at https://x.com/CatharWars The Château d'Arques...
Beyond the Map and the Manuscript Clive Prince's review of The Map and the Manuscript Illustration accompanying the Clive Prince article at Magonia Review. This week, Magonia Review has published a review of The Map and the Manuscript. It was written by Clive Prince, author with Lynn Picknett of many well- known books, including The Sion Revelation, which remains one of the best overviews of the affair of Rennes in print. The review is very positive. Prince has clearly read the book...